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i should probably keep this to myself, but i was talking to an engineer friend of mine today and i was showing him a moderately fancy microphone that i've been using for a year or so and i was complaining that the results were'nt what i'd been hoping for.
and he said, quite simply, 'well, you're singing into the wrong side of the microphone.'
yes, that's right, i've been a musician for over 20 years, i've made many records, i've performed everywhere in the world, i've written music for movies and tv shows, i've sold 15 million records, but yet i can't figure out which side of the microphone to sing into.
to my credit it is kind of a complicated microphone.
and yes, that's just me trying to make myself feel better, cos it's really not such a complicated microphone, i'm just dim.
i have this one song i've been working on and i kept wondering why i could hear the studio air conditioning better than i could hear my vocals.
ah well, now i know.
anyone need any technical advice?
moby the simpleton