:: sunnudagur, mars 07, 2004 ::
Yes I am - I am always right! Original English Text: I really need a mental health day, maybe I'm just being a lazy cow. Translated to French: J'ai besoin vraiment d'un jour mental de santé, peut-être je suis être juste une vache paresseuse. Translated back to English: I need really a mental day of health, perhaps I am to be right a lazy cow. Translated to German: Ich benötige wirklich einen Geistestag der Gesundheit, möglicherweise soll ich Recht haben eine faule Kuh. Translated back to English: I need really one spirit day of the health, possibly am I right to be a lazy cow. :: geimVEIRA:: kl. 20:27:: [+] :: ...