:: Þvaðurveita geimVEIRU ::

Fyrsta tölva geimVEIRU - Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48K
Þvaðurveita Reykjavíkur og nágrennis
- Þ R O N -
:: Þvaðurveita geimVEIRU :: Forsíða | e-mail | Skoða gestabókina | Skrifa í gestabókina |
[::..Andlega óvanheila veðrabeibið..::]
Hin stelpan varð úti - enda allt of heimsk til að mega vera hérna, þessi er með viti.
[::..Allur réttur áskilinn, öll opinber birting og/eða eftirritun í opinberum fréttamiðlum, þ.m.t. prent-, vef-, sjónvarps- og útvarpsmiðlum, er óheimil án skriflegs samþykkis höfundar...::]
[::..Gamalt þvaður..::]
október 2002 nóvember 2002 desember 2002 janúar 2003 febrúar 2003 mars 2003 apríl 2003 maí 2003 júní 2003 júlí 2003 ágúst 2003 september 2003 október 2003 nóvember 2003 desember 2003 janúar 2004 febrúar 2004 mars 2004 apríl 2004 maí 2004 júní 2004 júlí 2004 ágúst 2004 september 2004 október 2004 nóvember 2004 desember 2004 janúar 2005 febrúar 2005 mars 2005 apríl 2005 maí 2005 júní 2005 júlí 2005 ágúst 2005 september 2005 október 2005 nóvember 2005 desember 2005 janúar 2006 febrúar 2006 mars 2006 apríl 2006 maí 2006 júní 2006 júlí 2006 ágúst 2006 september 2006 október 2006 nóvember 2006 desember 2006 janúar 2007 febrúar 2007 mars 2007 júlí 2007 ágúst 2007 október 2007 nóvember 2007 janúar 2008 febrúar 2008 mars 2008 apríl 2008 maí 2008 júní 2008 júlí 2008 október 2008 desember 2008 nóvember 2010
[::..Tempus fugit..::]
[::..Blogg gæðafólks sem ég hef hitt..::]
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:: Erna og Murder the Exterminator::
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[:: geimVEIRA í Southpark ::]
[::..Þétt tónlistardýr..::]
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:: Tómas R. Einarsson::
[::..Frábær lög vina og kunningja..::]
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[::..Annað tengt tónlist..::]
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[::..Skemmtileg blogg fólks sem ég þekki ekki..::]
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:: Katrin.is M.Sc.::
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:: Trigger XLII::
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[::..Ýmsar ágætar síður..::]
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:: Nafnlausar játningar::
< ? iCeBloG # >

:: sunnudagur, mars 30, 2003 ::

A first
In honour of two visits on my blogg from the Department of State, Washington, D.C., United States I shall blog in English today. Today after an horribly lazy Sunday of napping, practising singing and transcribing a song, and ignoring the mess that is my home the doorbell rang (to my horror). Nobody answered as I picked up the intercom, so I expected my nosy know-it-all neighbour to be at the door to inform me of something. But as it turned out there showed up a man who introduced himself as my new neighbour (I knew there would a new person move in on the floor below mine so that checked out) and consequently asked to use my telephone as his was still not connected and he really needed to get in touch with someone and didn't have a car either (which sounded kind of odd to say, when asking to make a phone call). As this was like a set-up scene in a horror movie, where the stupid single (inevitably blond) woman lets a stranger in to use the phone, I was apprehensive but my mother heard the interaction over the phone, so I at least knew she'd have some information to forward the police investigators should I get murdered or anything (which of course is very comforting to murder victims). I hung up on my mother after telling her what was going on, and handed the bloke my cordless phone. He then asked for the phone book and as I went to find it, suddenly he stood inside my apartment (uninvited). In stead of being paranoid about having a person I'd never seen before suddenly standing inside my apartment, I had only one thought: "Holy crap, this is just typical, there is a person who I'll be seeing on a regular basis, a new neighbour in my apartment building. What a horrible thing that he's exposed me for the slob I am, seeing all my clutter, this kind of mess nobody ever gets to see - since, well, nobody ever comes here anyway." I didn't have much time picking on myself, as to my amazement the bloke animatedly started speaking Russian. I hope there was no illegal planning going on in that phone call, but I certainly have no idea. I feel bad about having anyone see my cluttered existence but I still think the person was really rude. I would never just walk into a stranger's apartment uninvited, especially when asking for favours. In other news is practically nothing, except I made myself a nice steak dinner, with green pepper sauce and steamed vegetables. Sort of to make up for the steak I meant to get in Baltimore and didn't.
Russian spoken in my home and visits from the U.S. State Department... if this was a 24 episode, there would definitely be dots to connect here.

:: geimVEIRA:: kl. 22:38:: [+] ::


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